Do Something

Paul Bowers
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The difference between the forces of action and inaction has seemingly never been greater.

In my entire lifetime, I have never been more frustrated with government as I have been this year. Topping the list by a long shot is Congress. Dropping the ball with FAA funding in August was inexcusable; yet another continuing resolution (our 22nd!) was obscene. But Congress is not alone. State and local governments have also become gridlocked.

Maybe all of this is destiny. Does meaningful change have to wait until the level of satisfaction is intolerable?

Fortunately, some industry leaders are taking positive action. Greg Principato has ACI-NA making a number of proposals that deal with the realities of today's airport financial market. The association's ideas for airport financing are prudent and offer a starting point for serious discussion. Airports are economic engines with the ability to raise needed capital on their own. GA is a tougher situation, but also has viable options.

Even airlines are taking positive steps. We may not like paying for checked baggage, expedited boarding, or other perks, but it is a way to generate much-needed revenue. And the significant revenue these charges generate has put many airlines back in the black. This, in turn, raises the issue about paying taxes on such revenue, but we need Congress' involvement on that!

Closer to home, there are readers who have become quite involved with this publication. Some of our best articles have started with suggestions from airport executives and their consultants or suppliers. As 2011 winds down and we prepare for 2012, feel free to get in touch with us regarding projects that offer the rest of the industry great examples of making our airports better, safer and more efficient.

Together we can "do something" to make 2012 a great year.

Thank you,


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