b'BAGGAGECAE27and wherever possible. It is really going to be beneficial to us inUpfront planning and coordination were also essential, says the future, especially as new airlines continue to come online, heBoyer. I cant speak highly enough of Foth, he says. They comments. probably spent two years planning and designing this. Getting Carpenter cautions other airports to consider the full financialbuy-in from everyone who would be involved was also critical to impact of upgrading a baggage handling system. While externalstaying on schedule, he adds. funding can help cover initial capital costs, annual expensesBoyer credits CAE for its ability to convey the value of continual for labor and maintenance are not. You want to take a big- improvements at the airport. They do a great job with outreach picture look at what your actual cost is related to developing andand promoting, he says. It really is a great place to fly out of, implementing this, Carpenter advises. and its a much more user-friendly airport than most. Were very The new handling system at CAE requires five staff members,fortunate to have that resource here.who were added through the system maintenance contractor, Elite Line Services. Maintenance for the full life of assets is importantNext in Line to keeping the airport functioning at full capacity, Murray notes.This summer, CAE is receiving bids to further expand its TSA The airport projected revenue growth expected with increasingcheckpoint with a fourth lane. The overall terminal will increase in passenger traffic to help ensure that lifecycle costs of recentwidth on both sidesone side for the TSA expansion; the other will improvements will be covered.likely include a business lounge and outdoor seating area. Creating a team culture was key for CAEs project, Murray adds.The airport is also working on airfield upgrades over the next 18 I felt like the designers, the engineers, the contractors and themonths. Future plans include relocating the air traffic control tower various subcontractors were always pulling for each other to theand renovating the U.S. Customs facility. end of doing a successful project for the airport, he reflects. AirportImprovement.comJuly | August 2023'