b'CUSTOMER SERVICESPECIAL REPORT MCI 49Aviation Department is currently planning a special celebration forThe Ambassador program works in conjunction with MCIs the upcoming 25th anniversary of the program. Customer Experience team, a group of full-time employees Ambassadors typically volunteer for a minimum of four hoursthe Aviation Department established in 2022. The Customer per week, but often more during special events such as the 2023Experience team includes a manager, four supervisors and 12 NFL Draft, various sports tournaments, Planet Comicon Kansasagents who staff three information desks in the recently finished City and the recent annual convention for the National Society ofterminaltwo on the Departures level and one on the Arrivals Black Engineers. Most days, there are three or four volunteerslevel. Customer Experience agents provide travelers with a circulating throughout the terminal to help guests. variety of information, from gate directions to which restaurants have gluten-free options. They are a smiling face for customers, There to Help representing our facility to travelers, says Meyer.Shirley Murray has been volunteering at MCI since the programIn addition to leading the frontline agents, team supervisors began. Our program makes a great impact, she remarks, notingassist with other airport amenities, including the Kansas City that Ambassadors help create a positive first and last impression ofAir Travel Experience (see story on Page 50). Supervisors meet the airport.participating families on the non-secure side of the terminal and As a seasoned veteran, Murray typically stations herselfassist them through the entire process of becoming more familiar near the terminal entrances or in areas where passengers areand comfortable with air travel. departing for flights. I love being an Ambassador to meet peopleBeyond Kansas Citycoming to KC maybe for the first time, she says. We try to make our visitors feel welcome and help them any way we can. As an experienced volunteer at MCI, Murray believes other airports could benefit from creating Ambassador programs. It speaks for Murray and other volunteers are especially helpful in a fewyour city, she remarks. It makes a better impression of your city. It places of the new terminal where wayfinding signage is notbenefits those who dont travel much, as well as our older citizens. finished or is being tweaked. I walk the terminal to see whoWe need all the help we can get. needs help or directions, she notes. A newer Ambassador, Beverly Hogle, joined the program in December 2018. Airport personnel describe her smile and enthusiasm for the program as contagious.EXPERIENCED | TIME-TESTEDHogle says she enjoys helping people and hearing their stories, but especially loves seeing the smiles on childrens faces when she hands them a sticker or an airportBEVERLY HOGLEpassport filled with fun activities. Beyond helping travelers, MCI Ambassadors support airport staff. HavingFULLY INTEGRATED HANGAR & DOOR SYSTEMSuniformed volunteers in the terminal helps minimize the number of common questions airport staffand airline employeesneed to answer while also performing their primary duties. Justin Meyer, deputy directorJUSTIN MEYERof AviationMarketing and Air Service Development, notes that the volunteer ambassadors have a knack for providing a warm and positive experience. Kansas Citians, were the heart of America, and our touchpoint with travelers is one of kindness and hospitality, he explains. ThisHANGARprogram just allows another opportunity to deliver that. Most MCI Ambassadors are retirees, and many worked as&DOORairline crewmembers or directly for the Kansas City Aviation1957 2023Department. Its a hard job to give up, Meyer says wistfully. SomeEXPERTSof the Ambassadors simply want to continue working in an airport environment because they thrive on the hubbub of air travel.I dont know of anywhere else volunteers can have that kindSTART TO FINISH EXPERTISEof experience and help a thousand people in one dayin someSingle-source for Design, Manufacturing, & On-Site Services cases, just by smiling, or in other cases by saying, Theres the bathroom or Heres the way out, Meyer remarks. 800.274.0144|FULFAB.COMAirportImprovement.comMay | June 2023'