b'RUNWAYSPGD 65 A new general aviation ramp is one of several airfield improvement projects that preceded the recently completed runway reconstruction.PHOTO: SUNCOAST DRONE PIXMASTERMIND YOUR APRONONE INTELLIGENT PLATFORM TO MANAGE YOUR AIRSIDE ECOSYSTEMADB SAFEGATE applies automation, integration and digitalization to provide an intelligent approach to managing apron activities from landing to takeoff. Our innovative Intelligent AiPRON platform integratesallthesystemsandprocessesimportanttoapron operations into a single ecosystem that uses machine learning technologies to unleash the power of data and predictability. Advanceddockingsystemsensuresafeandpreciseaircraft stopseverytime,eveninpoorvisibility.Operationaldatais constantly analyzed and presented to stakeholders in real time toimprovedecisionmaking,mitigateirregularitiesandcreate recommendationstohelpdeliveron-timedepartures.Allof which equals faster, safer and greener turnarounds that boost the customer experience.AirportImprovement.comMay | June 2024'