b'74 YYG TERMINALSTo withstand the harsh winters that inevitably follow the beautiful Canopies provide sun protectionsummers, Haggis and his team specified a concrete floor for the in summer; concrete floorsoutdoor deck. For security without impeding the views, 10-foot-tall withstand cold winter weather.windows enclose the area on three sides. The designers added three identical V-shaped canopies, shaped to resemble aircraft wings, to protect people from the sun and light rain. The three canopies overlap but do not connect to maintain the feel of open space.We tried to simulate a deck in someones cottage, where they might sit and enjoy the view of the sea, says Haggis. In our case, of course, it is the airfield that is the focal point.Patrons are allowed to bring food and beverages fromthe concessions kiosks in the boarding area outside to theopen-air deck.the design done by late April, to give the contractor enough timeOriginally, the Dock was intended to be a temporary structure to build the Dock. It was an ambitious timetable to meet.for extra holdroom capacity, and it would be torn down after future expansion projects were completed in the main terminal. Alfresco Asset However, due to its popularity, it will likely remain in place, and The overall design concept was simple: an open-air deck withfuture construction will be planned around it.colorful Adirondack chairs facing the airfield to offer departing travelers a pleasant, outdoor environment before boarding theirOther Improvementsflights. After all, Prince Edward Island is known for its favorableThis spring and summer, YYG is working with Airbiz on the second weather in July, August and early September.phase of its master planimproving and expanding other parts of ARE YOU READY?Plan for the future. Let Hanson lead your airport in the preparedness for these emerging trends and technologies.Advanced Commissioning/AssetEnergy Management Air Mobility Retro-Commissioning ManagementPlans Energy ResiliencyHANSON-INC.COM/FLYAirport Improvement Are You Ready Ad.indd 1 3/25/2024 1:46:27 PMMay | June 2024AirportImprovement.com'