Spot On!

Paul Bowers
Published in: 

Spot On!

There's something about face-to-face encounters for learning and networking. They invariably produce better connections and higher value than any other form of communication. Time and time again, I come away from meetings with information that wasn't even on the agenda.

This fall, the Airport Improvement team attended a plethora of conferences and shows. Our time in Vancouver stands out in particular. It not only included the annual SWIFT conference, but also Sightline's Airfield Marking Symposium at YVR.

Holding an airfield marking symposium at the same time, in the same city, as SWIFT is simply a good idea. Many of the attendees of one are interested in the other. It makes travel- and time-saving sense, and this was reflected in strong attendance.

The Airfield Marking Symposium on its own is an event to behold. It includes a great mixture of classroom and airfield learning; and vendors of airfield marking materials are on hand to provide real learning experiences. In my opinion, there has never been enough attention paid to airfield marking education. Donna and Mike Speidel have created a program that meets a real industry need. Thank you for inviting us to witness this wonderful event first-hand.

SWIFT was also a huge success - in part because of the volunteers who plan the agenda, and in part due to the extraordinary hospitality of YVR. (A beautiful city like Vancouver certainly doesn't hurt either!)

You'd think that after 20 years of attending conferences, there isn't a whole lot to learn. Not true! I came away with new information, story ideas and plenty of contacts.

Lastly, I'd like to thank the associate members of ACI-NA for electing me to serve on the organization's
World Business Partners/Associates Board. It's an honor and a responsibility that I take seriously. Please
let me know if you have any ideas or messages for our board to consider.

Publisher's Column

2022 Charlotte Douglas International Airport Report of Achievement

Giving back to the community is central to what Charlotte Douglas International Airport and its operator, the City of Charlotte Aviation Department, is about, and last year was no different. 

Throughout 2022, while recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, we continued our efforts to have a positive impact on the Charlotte community. Of particular note, we spent the year sharing stories of how Connections Don't Just Happen at the Terminal - from creating homeownership and employment opportunities to supporting economic growth through small-business development and offering outreach programs to help residents understand the Airport better.

This whitepaper highlights the construction projects, initiatives, programs and events that validate Charlotte Douglas as a premier airport.

Download the whitepaper: 2022 Charlotte Douglas International Airport Report of Achievement.



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