b'16 SEA TERMINALSArtwork throughout the new facility is something spectacularconscientious construction, with 7,163 tons of contaminated for passengers to see, Goedken adds. Chalchiutlicue, a five- soil and 62,405 gallons of impacted stormwater removed piece sculpture by artist Marela Zacaras that hangs over the bagfrom the project siteclaim carousels, was inspired by the colors of the waterwayssourcing many materials from within 100 miles; use of low-and sunsets in the San Juan Islands, north of Seattle. Anotheremitting adhesives, materials and coatingsinstallation, Magnetic Anomaly, includes three kinetic artworks by Ned Kahn. The spinning, suspended metallic mobiles were diverting most of the construction waste from landfillsinspired by the wind and ever-changing Pacific Northwest weather. Other works by six Native American artists, includingPrepare for Takeoffglass artist Preston Singletary and the interdisciplinary artist MarieOfficials at SEA place just as much emphasis on the operational Watt, will also be on permanent display in the new facility. readiness of a new facility as its design and construction. The To fulfill the Ports mission of environmental stewardship andInternational Arrivals Facility had to be able to process 2,600 sustainability, the new International Arrivals Facility is designedpassengers per hour, and Lyttle and other airport leaders expected to achieve LEED Silver Version 4 certification. Standout elementsthe passenger experience to be optimal on opening day.include:Ensuring that facilities open successfully and operate thelow-flow restroom fixtures to reduce indoor water use way they should is why SEA has its own in-house operational readiness and transition (ORAT) team. Its a permanent featureenergy-saving features like LED lighting, energy-efficientof our airport now, says Lyttle. Were not just starting it up and escalator motors and variable speed motors on baggagedemobilizing it on each project. handling devices The airports ORAT team leads the activation and opening of daylighting to connect travelers to the outdoors, reinforcenew facilities in close collaboration with federal agency and airline circadian rhythms and reduce energy consumption partners. Prior to opening the International Arrivals Facility, SEA COBUSWe Move PeoplePASSENGER TRANSPORTATIONWITH COBUS AIRSIDE BUSESOPERATIONAL BENEFITS Remote hardstand operationsfor gate-constrained airportsAirside passenger transportationbetween terminalsBackup to AutomatedPeople Mover SystemsSupport for IROPS/EROPS KEY FEATURESAll-Electric drive system for Zero EmissionsCapacities up to 110 passengers Full low-floor design, no stepsMultiple extra-wide doors on both sides for faster cycle times4,500+ buses operating at airports worldwideCall COBUS at 1-203-380-9575 or email Don@cobus.us or visit www.cobus.us.May | June 2022AirportImprovement.com'