b'18 SEA TERMINALSright people in the room and that you shareThe $986 million project significantly information, because that affords the bestimproves to how SEA receives and processes international passengers. opportunity for success. Lyttle notes that the project encountered unexpected challenges that delayed the schedule. But at the end of the day, when we look at the type of service were going to be providing to the passengers and airlines using this facility, it was worth the wait, he remarks. One early challenge was the discovery of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the soil at the project site. The toxic compoundsSt. Louis. Being cognizant of that as anAfter the center span for the pedestrian were from an old airline hangar torn downowner is really important. walkway was erected and the taxi lane long ago, and crews needed extra time toLike at other airports, the pandemicreopened to aircraft, there was still an properly clean the area.provided opportunities to accelerateenormous amount of work needed to Space was another challenge. Thesome aspects of the project, including thefinish the bridge. In order to complete small building footprint translated intochance to shut down additional gates orthat work and not impact operations, a cramped workspace for contractors.taxi lanes for a longer period of time tocontractors worked between 10 p.m. and The physical constraints were one offacilitate construction. That was kind of a5 a.m., when the taxi lane was closed. the biggest challenges for the contractorsilver lining in the cloud, if you could findThen COVID happened, and we were trying to build at an active airport, saysany for the pandemic, says Lyttle.able to shut it down for about 45 days vDynamic seating for dynamic spaces.Experience Soft Wait by Ed Barber & Jay Osgerbyat AAAE booth 601Contact us for more information via susan.goodspeed@vitra.com May | June 2022AirportImprovement.com'