b'54 TPA LANDSIDE DEVELOPMENTInterrelated Projects Thats all part of the initiative to get as The new office building is part of a three-phase developmentmany million annual passengers as we can program outlined in the master plan that HCAAs board of directorsusing the current complex, Siddle notes. approved in April 2013. Phase One, completed in 2018, created aThe airport has additional space to the north consolidated Rental Car Center that connects to the Main Terminalset aside for another terminal development via an automated people mover system. Relocating rental carcomplex in the future. The Aviation Authority operations during Phase One allowed TPA to expand its mainwill evaluate the needs and timing of such terminal footprint, with additional space for future flexibility anda facility as part of the 2022 Master PlanJEFF SIDDLEgrowth. Phase Two, which is currently in progress, includes 16 newUpdate process.express curbsides, expanded roadways and the 35-acre SkyCenterPhase Two improvements, including 16 new express lanes development area. Phase Three will include a new 16-gate airsidefor dropping off and picking up passengers without checked terminal that will accommodate both domestic and internationalluggage, doubled the airports curbside capacity, Siddle reports. operations. The plans and timing of Airside D are currently beingThis area has been growing like gangbusters, he explains. reevaluated as part of the airports 2022 Master Plan Update. Theres anywhere from 100 to 150 people moving into the SkyConnect, TPAs automated people mover system, shuttlesTampa Bay region per day; so we need to be ready for that in our passengers to and from the new Rental Car Center, Economyairport infrastructure. TPAs Blue Express Curbsides opened in Parking and the Main Terminal. The 1-mile train ride to theNovember 2021 and the Red Express Curbsides are expected to terminal takes about two to three minutes. HCAA Vice Presidentopen in 2025. (Details about curbside improvements are available of Planning and Development Jeff Siddle notes that providingat airportimprovement.com, in the September 2019 issue.)train service to and from the new Rental Car Center removed an estimated 3.2 million vehicles from airport roadways and curbsidesDevelopment Partnerseach year. (Details about the Rental Car Center and train projectsWith no previous experience in commercial real estate, HCAA are available at airportimprovement.com, in the April 2018 issue.)sought out an industry specialist for the SkyCenter One project. ADB SAFEGATE I GATEBE READY.OUR FLEXIBLE GATE SYSTEMS DELIVER SAFER, MORE EFFICIENT TURNAROUNDS IN ANUNPREDICTABLE WORLD.ADB SAFEGATE applies the latest surveillance and automation technologytomanagetodayscomplexchallengesonthe apron.Adaptableandresilientgatesystems,andflexible business models, enable operational elasticity to help airports and airlines scale up or down to meet changing demand. Advanced docking systems ensure safe and precise aircraft stops every time, even in poor visibility. Integration and clear informationdisplayskeepallpersonnelinformedandhelp deliver on-time departures. All of which equals faster, safer and more predictable turnarounds that boost the customer experience.May | June 2022AirportImprovement.com'