I Saw the Future & It's Beautiful

Paul Bowers
Published in: 

The recent Airport Cities Conference in Memphis reminded me a lot of ground transit's Rail~Volution. The emphasis of each conference isn't just airports or train systems; it's about how the respective industries fit into the bigger picture. Both realize they're not alone - that they need to work with other modes of transportation. Airport Cities offered the opportunity to look 20, 40 and more years into the future to determine what's needed, where we're going and how we're going to get there. That's the beautiful part.

The programs provided several takeaways. First and foremost was the attitude  demonstrated by those involved with aerotropolis efforts. Yes, you could say Airport Cities promotes the aerotropolis concept.

Today, so much of what we see at the local, state and federal levels seems to revolve around the fractured political process. Players on both sides are too often more concerned with self-preservation than with improving the system. This is certainly not the case with those building an aerotropolis for their region. Most conference participants had a hard time telling who was a democrat, republican or tea party member.

It wasn't a fight about cutting spending and taxes at any expense. It was about the future and what attendees could do to be a ready participant in their region, working together for the benefit of all.

Another takeaway was the idea that there's more than one "right" formula. What works in Memphis is different than what will work in Miami or Denver. Each region has different strengths and goals, but that's OK in the aerotropolis formula.

We need leadership, and that's where Airport Cities fits the bill. The organizers did a  splendid job of bringing people together from all over the world to graciously share their how-to stories. For many, the networking and inside look at how others have achieved success was a potential starting point. If you're interested in the aerotropolis concept, visit Airport Cities website at http://www.globalairportcities.com.

The future is so much bigger than AIP, PFCs or reauthorization. Done right, money will always flow to opportunity.



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PAVIX: Proven Winner for All Airport Concrete Infrastructure

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