b'28 AVLRUNWAYSfeet shorter than the original runway. This size made it easy towere periods when we would lose all electronic instrumentation convert it into a 75-foot-wide permanent taxiway with 12 1/2-footfor the runway, so it became more of a VFR runway, Bleiweis paved shoulders on each side. The project team also installedsays. There were days we had to cancel flights because the electrical conduit on either side of the pavement during Phaseweather was bad. And there were times when American and 1. When the temporary runway was later converted to a taxiway,Delta had to cancel their last flights out of Atlanta and Charlotte crews simply pulled all the electrical cabling and installed taxiwaybecause our airport would already be closed by the time they lights without having to compromise the integrity of the pavement. would have been in the air coming here.Overnight Construction Windows Coordination & ControlPhase 2 was performed in 2015 and included paving, lighting ILS/ In 2016, Phase 3 got underway with the demolition, grading, NAVAIDs installation for the permanent taxiway/temporary runway.prepping the subgrade for pavement and site work needed to With that work complete, AVL shifted operations from the mainreconstruct the original runway. Although the temporary runway runway to the temporary runway.was in service, there were still active crossovers through the old To maintain airfield safety, construction work on the taxiwaysrunway. This required careful construction phasing to ensure that and connectors only occurred after daily operations had ceased aircraft could get where they needed to go.from midnight to 5:30 a.m. The project team also worked withinTo enhance safety, the project team required the contractors a narrow window to switchover from old to new runway onceto use taxiway crossing guards and took an active role in the paving was complete. On the night of Dec. 9, 2015, the 50-year- process. We developed specifications to ensure the crossing old runway was closed to traffic around 10 p.m., and the newguards were qualified, Loder specifies. They had to be airport-temporary runway was in service about eight hours later.approved, airport-trained and heavily vetted. Crossing guards A regular schedule of short, overnight construction windowshad to be very alert and capable of radio communications with air required close communication with the airlines and the areastraffic control, while directing construction traffic across taxiways large general aviation community. Throughout the project, thereduring daytime and overnight construction. THE NEXT BIG SHIFT IN AIRFIELD MANAGEMENT TAKES OFF WITH AIRFIELD 4.0Pinpoints service and AXONmaintenance needs EQProvides greater control under challenging conditions Allows upstreaming of data OurAXON EQintelligent inset lights include built-in sensors to capture dataLINCand interconnectivityessential to making airport operations more streamlined and predictive. 360 Goes beyond existing individual light control and LINC 360is a high bandwidth bidirectional power line communication system thatmonitoring systemsfacilitates two-way data transmission, creating a data-driven future.5G connectivity to the cloudLINC Nodeforms the second leg of the ADB SAFEGATE connectivity strategy.LINCAlarm and warning It connects smart airfield assets to the cloud providing real-time monitoring fromNode notifications pushed from the any place on any device.cloud to mobile devices TheseAirfield 4.0building blocks harness smart Industry 4.0 technologies to revolutionize airfield operations and enable real-time, data-driven decision making. adbsafegate.comJuly | August 2022AirportImprovement.com'