b'TERMINALSPDX 15Northwest Wood to guide its material procurement, and teamplywood comes in bigger sheets that allow product manufacturers members visited the Yakama Nation in central Washington and twoto develop thick layers when needed.additional forests to understand how wood for the roof would beSome of the mass plywood used at PDX was produced from harvested.salvaged trees recovered from large wildfires that occurred in Granato notes that its not just about the wood itself.Oregon and Washington shortly after beam manufacturing for Sustainable harvesting considers the forest, the health of thethe roof project began in early 2020. Naturally, the fires made forest, the snowpack, the water runoff and the salmon in theprocuring local wood extra challenging. In fact, one of the mills streams, he explains. Theres this trickledown effect, so they arethat created the wood for the glulams was in imminent danger. being much more selective in how they harvest the trees, heThe fire got right to their doorsteps, Revay recalls. There was a remarks. Its not just drawing a box and taking it all out. Theres amoment where we were all just kind of holding on. person who goes out and says, I want that one and that one, but leave that one.Hurdles Cleared, Opportunities SeizedFrom harvest to beam production and placement, the teamsPlacing a new roof over an existing, operational terminal means tracked and labeled where wood was sourced. Thats not easythat the project team has limited windows to move pieces into for suppliers, Granato acknowledges. It did add a little bit ofplace. Generally, crews are working between midnight and 4 complexity to the program. But in our minds, it was absolutelya.m. The Port also has had to deal with supply chain issues worth it to highlight how the wood came about and theand hyperinflation. It was a struggle to lock down a guaranteed sustainable nature of it. maximum price with the contractor because suppliers couldnt guarantee pricing beyond seven days out. Its extremely Sandoval notes that mass plywood comes from veneers ofchallenging, Granato remarks.smaller treesas small as 9-inch diameter (vs. 24-inch+ diameter trees for dimensional wood). Smaller trees provide a quickerThe construction teams worked together on detailing and renewable pulp source, he explains, and the resulting massvirtually cutting all the pieces in advance, providing increased A MORE DURABLE AND RELIABLEPASSENGER FLOW SOLUTION100 YEARS OF LESS DOWNTIME & MAINTENANCE CONVEYOR SYSTEM DESIGN60 YEARS OF LESS ENERGY CONSUMPTION MOVING WALK BELT DESIGNMERGING INTO A NEW FULLY INTEGRATED ADAPTABLE TO FIT ANYWHERESUSTAINABLE MOVING WALK SYSTEMSAFE FROM PINCHING & SLIPPINGBETTER FOR PASSENGERS(Easier on Joints & Quieter)LEARN MORE ATStarglideBelts.comAirportImprovement.comNovember | December 2022'