b'RUNWAYSSTL11this process was done under their supervision. The dump trucksneeded. The system on the east end needed to be replaced and get washed before and after the asbestos is loaded. Once theupgraded as part of the runway reconstruction and narrowing.dump trucks are full, they are carefully wrapped to avoid anyDesign and installation of the arresting cable was coordinated leakage into the air. The subcontractors continually used sensorsunder the contracts of Crawford, Murphy & Tilly and Millstone around the work area to monitor the air. Weber as part of the runway project. The contract also Trucks transported the asphalt that crews removed from thedesignated Engineered Arresting Systems Corporation (ESCO) runway to a local landfill approved to accept special waste. as the system supplier. Millstone Weber operators worked with ESCO to install the system in the new runway pavement and Arresting CableESCO was responsible for final testing. Boeing closely supervised Boeing has a large presence at STL and uses its runways to testthe installation. many types of aircraft for its own fleet and the U.S. Department of Defense.Jobsite LogisticsBoeing does a lot of testing of fighter jets here, BeckmannMaintaining aircraft operations during such a massive airfield specifies. They are good about working around our commercialconstruction was a key design factor in the phasing plan. Moving traffic. We usually know several days in advance when they areaircraft around the airfield has been a constant priority for the doing those test flights.airport and contracting team while the main runway has been closed. Fortunately, the main alternate runway, 12L-30R, is 9,000 To accommodate the military flight operations, STL hasfeet long and can accommodate nearly any aircraft that uses STL. arresting gear at the ends of Runway 12R-30L and crosswindAt first, we were a little worried that Lufthansas A-330s would not Runway 6-24. The cables, similar to those used on aircraftbe able to operate on 12L-30R, but that has not been the case, carriers, are embedded in the runway surfaces, and are onlysays Beckmann. We also have had 747s land here that were used for fighter jets, not commercial or private aircraft. Boeingdiverted because of bad weather at other airports. communicates with the control tower to deploy the system as THE QUEENS AWARDS FOR ENTERPRISE:INTERNATIONAL TRADE2021AirportImprovement.comOctober 2023'