b'56 APFDISASTER RECOVERYlight base cans and all the grounding. Even though the lighting wasRecommendations for the new lighting included corrosion-brought back up as an emergency repair, components were likelyresistant materials, primarily stainless steel base cans and a to start failing, left and right, over time. grounding system, to protect the system in the event of another The Hanson team worked with Kensaltwater storm surge. Hanson consultants also explored better Warriner, senior director of Finance forways to waterproof the underground airfield lighting connections. Naples Airport Authority, on cost estimatesIn addition to waterproof molded plugs, project engineers and potential recovery scenarios to replacerecommended a heat shrink or cold shrink kit to provide another airfield lighting, signage, light bases, cable/ layer of waterproofing for the connections.conduit and NAVAIDS. We knew with all theWe talked to a lot of different lighting manufacturers about saltwater inundation, it wasnt going to bewhat the potential longevity of the system would be and what the reliable over time, Harris says.KEN WARRINER issues would be, Harris relates. With the saltwater intrusion, one The estimated cost to replace the entire system is $9 to thing they suggested for the replacement project was setting the $10 million. system up in a way that allows it to be flushed with fresh water to rinse off all the salt residue and prevent additional corrosion after Warriner was pleased with the insurance companys responsethe fact.the day after the storm. They helped us out immediately with resources and being able to get back in business and from aUnfortunately, flushing APFs existing system wasnt possible financial standpoint, he recalls. Weve been working with thebecause of how it was originally installed. claims adjusters and with FEMA as a backup to insurance.Longer-term considerations include raising the runway and Its a pretty huge project and there are a lot of steps well havetaxiway pavements 1 to 2 feet, replacing low-elevation buildings, to go through with the procurement process, he adds.As ofredeveloping the East Quad/South Ramp areas and other projects mid-August, APF had received about $4.2 million to cover repairs. with an estimated total cost of $50 to $70 million. PRESERVING RUNWAYSDAY & NIGHTFAA P-608 COMPLIANT FAA P-608-R COMPLIANTHundreds of Runways Safely Treated SAFE Recommended for Time-Constrained& Environmentally Responsible Project ConditionsOver 25 Years Serving PROVEN Rapidly Cures to Runway Safetythe Aviation Industry Standards in 2-3 HoursMitigates Asphalt-Based EFFECTIVE No Long-Term Airport FOD & Surface OxidationClosures & Lost RevenueBoth treatments can be applied on all airfield pavements without restrictions.asphaltsystemsinc.comOctober 2023AirportImprovement.com'