b'SWEEP YOUR AIRFIELDCLEANER, FASTER, SAFERThere is still only one FOD sweeper that guarantees a cleaner and safer airfield: TheF OD*BOSS.It is the one airfield sweeper that offers unrivaled levels of Foreign Object Debris removal - only possible with our multi-patented technology, and unavailable with any other sweeper. And now were making it more affordable for every airport. After all, we know how important FOD removal is, and every airport should have at least one FOD*BOSS.EFFECTIVE FOD REMOVAL IS ESSENTIAL,DONT TRUST ANYTHING ELSEContact us to arrange a demonstration and see for yourself what makes our sweepertruly exceptional at fodboss@aerosweep.com or visit www.fodboss.comThis product is subject to one or more of the patents and/or patents pending as listed at www.aerosweep.comAI_Oct23_AerosweepFullPG_V2.indd 1 8/31/23 9:38 AM'