b'62 JAXAIRFIELD MAINTENANCEFloridas Statewide Markings Program Evolves BY CLAIRE HANNUMBetween thunderstorms and blazing heat, there are plentyIts just a huge win, says Robert W. of obstacles that can complicate airfield maintenance inSpeight, senior manager of Airside FacilitiesFlorida. at Jacksonville Aviation Authority. All four One thing thats not a hurdle? Finding a reliable, cost-efficientairports owned and operated by the Authority team for airfield marking projects. Thats one mission of the Floridause the program, and Speight is enthusiastic Department of Transportation (FDOT) Statewide Airfield Pavementabout its results. Management Program. The initiative, which has existed for yearsFlorida Airfield Maintenance consists of four in several iterations, is finding new success with a slightly differentcompanies, each specializing in a differentROBERT SPEIGHTformat. In 2020, the program contract was awarded to Floridastep of the airfield marking process. Sightline Inc. assesses Airfield Maintenance, a multifaceted joint venture that allows FDOTexisting markings to identify which need to be cleaned or replaced; to offer airports a one-stop shop for airfield markings.Danton Hydroblasting powerwashes and/or removes those that October 2023AirportImprovement.com'