b'36 COS LANDSIDE DEVELOPMENTForward-Thinking Business Park Sets Stage for Success at Colorado Springs Airport BY SEAN OKEEFEYears of preliminary groundwork atthe ability to interact with every segment of Colorado Springs Airport (COS) arethe surrounding community seamlessly.coming to fruition as Peak InnovationThis particular project leverages the Park gains altitude. The commercial andairports ample footprint and long parallel industrial development is attracting a well- runways (13,501 and 11,022 feet).rounded cross-section of tenants, including Amazon, the U.S. Forest Service and companiesBy land area, COS is immense, says supporting the aerospace and defensePhillips. The airport property encompasses industries. Project executives expect the newa total of 7,200 acres and boasts the fifth-business park to generate $3.5 million oflongest public service commercial runway FACTS&FIGURESannual revenue in 2022 alone, with subsequentin the country. There is a lot of untapped increases as more development occurs.capacity we are working hard to take Project: Business Park advantage of, and Peak Innovation Park is a Location: Colorado Springs Airport At the helm of thebig part of the process.project is COS Director Name: Peak Innovation Parkof Aviation Greg Phillips.The first step toward tapping that potential Total Size: 900 acres Since assuming his postwas to secure an FAA release of 900 acres Outside Development Manager: Urban Frontier in January 2017, Phillipson the southwest edge of the airfield for non-Infrastructure Development Costs: and his team haveaeronautical use. This process began more $30 million (to date) focused on fosteringthan a decade before Phillips arrival at COS. Anticipated Annual Revenue: $3.5 million the airports economicGREG PHILLIPS From the outset, Peak Innovation Park was Current Investors/Tenants: Amazon; stability and growth.intended to provide economic opportunity Flywheel Capital; Hotel Equities; U.S. Forest The variety of challenges faced in aviation isand revenue resilience; but it initially Service; Aerospace Corp. never-ending, he reflects. From airside tolanguished due to challenges drumming Key Benefits: New revenue stream for airport;landside, airports are complex systems thatup business during the Great Recession. economic development throughout the region require problem-solving of many sorts andAs the economy recovered, however, March | April 2022AirportImprovement.com'