b'AIRFIELD MYR 45PHOTO: DRG DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE GROUPWhen planning for improvements began, the airport had numerous meetings with the FAA to discuss materials (asphalt or concrete), scheduling demands and the overall impact a reconstruction project would have on operations. During that time, we came to the realization that concrete was probably going to be our best option, says Dunne. FAA provided $52 million for the taxiway reconstruction through four different grants. MYR contributed about $8 million in cash and funds from other sources. Due to the cost and availability of FAA funds, work was divided into two separate bid packages. Construction began in first quarter 2019, and the new taxiway opened for service in third quarter 2021.Seizing OpportunitiesDuring design discussions, the project team opted to move the taxiway closer to the runway from its previous separation of 1,040 feet to 600 feet, with bump outs of 725 feet at each runway end to account for the glide slope critical areas. This allowed engineers to turn the former taxiway into an airside service road, and it opened up space for a planned terminal expansion. The new taxiway was designed to Group 5 standards: 75 feet wide with 30-foot wide paved shoulders.It runs the entire length of the runway9,500 feet. The project also included all connectors, including two high-speed exit taxiways and an apron expansion.The first phase of construction concentrated on the south end of the taxiway; the second phase, on the north end. The pavement was created with a 6-inch crushed aggregate base course, followed by 6 inches of cement treated base and topped with 16 inches of P-501 concrete.Shallow GroundwaterGiven the airports low elevation and proximity to the Atlantic Coast, contractors faced issues associated with perched (unconfined) groundwater. The high groundwater forced us to install an extensive pavement edge drain system along the edge of the concrete to get water out from under the pavement itself, Dunne explains.Construction provided numerous jobs to the community, and theMore than 33,000 linear feet of PVC edge drain/underdrain was new taxiway will help us generate more air traffic and bring moreinstalled to help remedy the situation. commerce to the airport, he adds. Dire StraitsThe project was a long time coming, with airport personnel carefully monitoring the pavement deterioration year after year. We were seeing severe rutting and shoving, Dunne recalls. With the old pavement and extreme summer heat, the asphalt would get soft. And with increased air traffic and larger aircraft, we were seeing even more rutting and shoving. PlanningA few times, the airport was forced to close sectionsDELTA AIRPORT EngineeringEnvironmentalof the taxiway for last-minute emergency repairs. WhenCONSULTANTS, INC. Industry Analysisthat occurred, aircraft had to use alternate taxi routes towww.deltaairport.com Program Management navigate around the closed sections. Construction AdministrationBusiness & Financial PlanningAirportImprovement.comJanuary | Febuary 2023'