b'44 DEN TERMINALSthroughput by streamlining ticketing/baggage functions andoccurring in the center portion of the terminal, passengers had reducing the number of operational staff needed to assist.to be rerouted outside the building and around work zones, or McCusker says the improvements made during Phase 1 of thedown a level and up again. It was a big inconvenience, Sheehan Great Hall Project not only add the space necessary to help DENacknowledges. reach its Vision 100 goals, but also provide a better experience forNow, construction is concentrated on the northwest corner of travelers during the check-in process. Phase 2, as it modernizesthe terminal, where it is less impactful to passenger flow.and expands security, will do the same and transform the waySheehan emphasizes that wayfinding is critical throughout any people go through security in a more secure, more privateconstruction. You can never do enough, he relates. For this environment, he adds. project, the airport installed QR codes with interactive maps on wayfinding signage throughout the terminal. To accommodate Operational Impacts passengers who prefer non-electronic guidance, it provided Of course, completing a multimillion-dollar construction programtear-off maps and airport ambassadors to personally direct in an operating terminal was not without challenges. Renovationpassengers.always has its challenges to keep the space open, Hole relates. The team worked closely to phase the project to keep passengersConstruction work was carefully monitored to maximize moving through the terminal in a safe and secure manner, whilepassenger flow, McCusker adds.also keeping the project on schedule. This required a tremendousThe project team also used thousands amount of flexibility from the construction and operations sides,of linear feet of modular walls to keep including monitoring passenger flow and moving construction walls. passengers out of construction zones. Mark With Phase 1 complete, DEN management is enjoying a briefJohnston, director of commercial sales sense of relief, because the most impactful part of the projectfor SwiftWalls, notes that the companys from a passenger flow standpoint is over. When construction wasproducts prevented several tons of hazardous MARK JOHNSTONIPS intelligentpassengersolutionsJanuary | February 2022AirportImprovement.com'