b'64 MCO | SEA INFO TECHNOLOGYtotal flights, and Virtual Hold Technology was paired with Delta Airstrong ideas to the table and were easy to work with. We knew Lines, which provides about 24%.there wasnt an established product in the market for airports, The airlines could look at it from an operational perspective,and we were open to anyone who had a good solution, and one says Dunphy. They want predictability, and this provides that tothat could grow with us, Sadler says. Both vendors did a good their customers, and ours. We havent evenjob innovating during the process of the pilot to fit the scenarios really started to scratch the surface on whaton the ground.can be done, but the feedback was fantastic.Ultimately, Pangiam emerged as the better fit for SEApartially I havent seen anything score so well at anbecause it is so data-focused, says Sadler. The company airport before this.brought an analytic mindset to the process, and many of the Krista Sadler, director of ICT Tech Deliveryproposals and ideas they brought forward were based on that at SEA, reports that both vendors broughtdata, she explains. One thing the IT team didnt know at the kickoff of the launch is how important online reservations would KRISTA SADLERbe. Pangiams initial solution came with a reservation feature, which allowed the company to build on top of that.AIRPOR T UNDERGROUND In addition, Pangiams software is web-AIRPORT UNDERGROUNDbased, which enables add-ons like passenger UTILITY SOLUTIONSUTILITY SOLUTIONS surveys. CLEAR Skies in FloridaAt MCO, management chose Reservation Lane powered by CLEAR, which also offers online reservations for checkpoints to its customers. MCOs virtual queuing pilot kicked off on Oct. 21, 2021, and will be evaluated after one year. With more than 34 million passengers flying in and out of MCO per year and a terminal at capacity, the Greater Orlando Airport Authority found 2021 to be an opportune time to evaluate many of its processes, including checkpoint line management. The airports proximity to the Disney complex in Orlando afforded personnel a chance to visit its quintessential theme parks to see how wait times are managed. In turn, MCO invited Disney staff to see how queuing works at the airport. During this research, CLEAR approached the airport team with a proposal: Let us offer a free online reservation service to passengers in exchange for the opportunity to market our paid membership to them. Typically, a CLEAR Granite Inliner delivers state-of-the-art trenchless pipingmembership costs travelers up to $179 per rehabilitation methodologies to commercial service, primaryyear; members use face and eye biometrics and non-primary airports. rather than traditional paper documents to expedite their security screening. By running We provide Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) renewals, UV-Curedthe pilot program at MCO, CLEAR collects CIPP installations, Geopolymer lining applications, and Manholeemail addresses, which is a goldmine of rehabilitations for airside and landside operations. customer data. Using the Reservation Lane NO EXCAVATION powered by CLEAR is complimentary, but No interferance with airport trafc travelers are still at the mercy and whim of Signicant savings in time and money traffic patterns; so they may be interested in Minimal disturbance upgrading to paid membership with CLEAR once they get a feel for the process. If granite-inliner.com January | February 2022AirportImprovement.com'