b'66 MCO | SEA INFO TECHNOLOGYespecially international travelersare asking for afternoon reservations. That issue aside, Engle says the edges are smoothing out, and even the no-show number is improving. In December, it was holding steady at about 30%, which was a 10% to 15% improvement over no-shows during the launch. The idea was long overdue, and it took time to get the system established and piloted, he reasons. There is room for further growth; its just a matter of getting the word out. The TSA is very happy with the program so far, and wed like to see it expand and add more lanes inthe future. Management at SEA is similarly optimistic. In fact, the airport plans to include the virtual queuing system provided by Pangiam in its new airport app, which is scheduled to roll out in mid-2022. Since July, nearly 267,000 passengers have used Spot Saver, and the numbers continue to grow. Lyttle reports that the new online reservation system addresses the airports vision of a predictable journey, with less stress for passengers. It also provides a wider range The virtual queueing system at MCO is run by CLEAR.of passengers with more travel options, he adds. PRESERVING RUNWAYSDAY & NIGHTFAA P-608 COMPLIANT FAA P-608-R COMPLIANTHundreds of Runways Safely Treated SAFE Recommended for Time-Constrained& Environmentally Responsible Project ConditionsOver 25 Years Serving PROVEN Rapidly Cures to Runway Safetythe Aviation Industry Standards in 2-3 HoursMitigates Asphalt-Based EFFECTIVE No Long-Term Airport FOD & Surface OxidationClosures & Lost RevenueBoth treatments can be applied on all airfield pavements without restrictions.asphaltsystemsinc.comJanuary | February 2022AirportImprovement.com'