b'Robinson Aviation provides controllers for the virtual ramp control system. VRCS had to be shoehorned into the masterWhen youre doing design build, plan. Integrating the technology as theelements of the project are all happening terminal was being built wasnt easy, and theat the same time, he says. I knew Saabs Feb. 28 go-live date was set in concrete.timeline was responsible and that they We were able to achieve our goalswould get everything in on time. because were very integrated and coordinated with the Kansas City AviationGoing Liveteam and construction teams, TrommelThe night before the official opening, says. We all knew at what point, forincoming aircraft landed at the old terminal example, the roof would be done enoughand taxied in or were towed to the new for us to install the camera housing, andterminal. The virtual ramp controllers went Reliablewhen the VRCS room would be ready toto business right away as if they had been get our consoles assembled. That way, weworking there for 10 years, says Trommel. solutions forknew when debris and dust would not beWhat is amazing about this is that we raining down on our technical equipment.started in an environment that had never your airportThe communication to get operationalseen planes before, at the new terminal, resolutions was happening seamlessly, andBourgeois marvels. Up until opening day project. when the time came to go live, everyoneit was only a concept. To see that come was ready to go.to life was very rewarding. We knew how Bourgeois emphasizes the importanceplanes would move, but until you actually A comprehensive rangeof building trust with the FAA air trafficsee it, you hold your breath. of drainage solutionscontrol staff and working closely withCurrently, MCI is among a small group individual airlines to ensure safe andof airports embracing new ramp control from pedestrianefficient operations.technologies and features, but Redhead applications to airportIn Kansas City, with Aerobahn and thepredicts more will do so in the not-and port loadingcamera system that is in place, we canso-distant future. A number of airport environments. see the planes and can move them aroundrepresentatives from around the country without conflict because the softwarehave already visited MCI to see its VRCS sees a problem before it happens, hein action, and some are considering the explains. I think this is a great example oftechnology for their own terminal projects. how successful you can be when you getBoth Saab and Robinson are effusive experience, good people and technologyabout the new terminal and the possibilities merged together.to come. Given his experience, Redhead knew theWe believe that in Kansas City, if you construction project would include typicalbuild it, they will come, Bourgeois says. Learn more at ejco.com challenges such as routing the power,We hope traffic numbers will double there or call 800 626 4653 cooling the systems and coordinatingbecause we have the room for it. There is Made in the USA timelines. But he felt confident in hislots of capacity for growth. vendor choices.September 2023AirportImprovement.com'