b'Centennial AirportGENERAL AVIATIONAPA | SFF 79Just like their commercial counterparts,Chief Executive Officer general aviation airports need to participateLarry Krauter explains that the in the FAA master planning process to keepconventional infrastructure-federal funds flowing. focused method was a good Denvers Centennial Airport and Spokanes Feltsfit because SFF is a reliever Field recently took two very different routes toairport. We are trying to get to the same place: a 20-year plan for capitalincentivize general aviation improvements. aircraft to use Felts Field insteadLARRY KRAUTERof Spokane International, so we Each airport brought in an outside consultantare focusing on facilities, he explains. for the job, and each ended up with a master plan suited to its specific needs. Until recently, the last full master plan for SFF was developed in the mid-1990s. After more Felts Field than a decade of work to bring SFF up to current Spokane Airport Board, the authority that runsstandards, the airport and FAA determined a new Spokane International Airport and Felts Field (SFF),master plan was needed. took a traditional approach when developing aThere is so much going on now at the airport, master plan for SFF.we needed to step back and complete a master AirportImprovement.comSeptember 2022'