b'Designers infused the new gate areas with natural light.26 DEN TERMINALSPHOTO: MICHAEL ROBINSON COURTESY OF HNTBthe concourses, hiring two separate teams means they canPerdomo also recommends using innovative features from the bounce ideas back and forthsometimes providing a littleproject, such as improved acoustics, and sustainability efforts for friendly competition. When those opportunities arise, I wouldenergy efficiency. recommend my colleagues across the country to take advantageFerguson notes that Gallun Snows integration on the teams of them, Williams remarks.was very fluid. We had continuous communication with our Cahill emphasizes the importance of solid communication toarchitectural partners, utilizing virtual and in-person meetings, keep everyone on the same level playing field and help teamsdigital presentations and shared technology platforms to refine the work efficiently. To have high-volume spaces with skylights anddesign, she says. Communication is key!weave all mechanical systems through takes a lot of gymnastics,She encourages other airports to remain open to new ideas he says. Key members of the HNTB team included Juliebecause each team member brings a unique perspective, and Wienberg, principal in charge; James Child, project manager; andlearning from each other makes a project more successful. Ferguson Natasa Forbes, lead interior designer. HNTB introduced weeklyalso recommends engaging the entire team early in the process so design log meetingsa format the entire design team embracedthere is shared responsibility and buy-in from the beginning.and continues to use. As a team, we develop solutions together to keep the project moving, Cahill says.Ongoing PlansEchoing Williams suggestion about being nimble, ZenoniBeyond the remaining work for Phases 1 and 2 of the Gate says that airport leaders should be flexible enough to alter theirExpansion Program, DEN is also working on Phase 2 and the vision but should not abandon their vision. DEN is really good atcompletion phase of its Great Hall Project, which includes building knowing what they want overall but allowing for different coursesa new ticketing/check-in area, moving security checkpoints and or roads to get there, he reflects.completing the build-out of Jeppesen Terminal. Zenoni acknowledges that it is difficult for airports and theirIn addition, the airport is increasing the capacity of its train partners to plan and design major projects several years insystem by adding and replacing cars. Currently, DEN has six advance. Inevitably, major circumstances shiftCOVID, a war inrunways but is in the planning phase of adding a seventh. Ukraine, fuel prices, inflation, for instance. All these things affectIn the south end of the West Terminal by the Westin Hotel and airlines, and work on airport projects must be redone. EverythingConference Center, the airport is building the Center of Equity and changes along the way, he says. You have to recruit a team thatExcellence in Aviation. How we fill it is going to do something is willing to be flexible, work as a team and roll with the punches. even more spectacular with providing training opportunities and Support from the city of Denver and the airport was andeducational opportunities to get folks interested in aviation, continues to be very important, Perdomo stresses. BothWilliams says. maintained commitments to the community and to the airlines byThese projects and more are all part of Vision 100, the airports carrying on throughout the pandemic, and now they are benefitingplan to serve 100 million annual passengers within the next 10 from those decisions, he adds. years. September 2022AirportImprovement.com'